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Tuesday 12 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Nov 1 2004

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Sunita joins that long list of Corrie women sent to prison and jailed.  Let's think, we've had Rita in for alleged GBH on Chesney, Deirdre in for being stupid, and yes, well, um, I'm sure I remembered some more when I first started this paragraph. Anyway, Sunita joins them even though she pleads 'not guilty' to bigamy.  Sunita's parents blame Dev's lusty liason with Maya for their daughter ending up inside and he's beside himself with grief. I love being beside myself, don't you? Such wonderful conversation and never a cross word from me to I. Maya pops into the corner shop for a pint of milk and a manic episode and Dev throws her out, threatening to kill her.  She then pops to see Sunita in jail, putting doubts into her mind that Dev's behind the whole thing.  Just when you think it can't get any worse for our favourite jailed shop girl, it gets better, sort of.  Maya and Frankie have lunch together at the Clock.  That place is like, so in, and, like Delfines? It's so over. Anyway, Frankie starts to realise her mate is a nutter and tells Dev about the cab driver they'd bumped into weeks ago (weekly update reference GHA/455fh/12 available on request for a bag of sherbert lemons) who recognised Maya after driving her to what she'd told him was her wedding.  Much Streetcars sleuthing goes on and Inch High Private Eye-leen with help from Patrick find the fella. Unfortunately for Dev, the guy won't help with enquiries, wanting nowt to do with the police and won't get involved.  Dev pleads with Leanne to remember anything unusually matrimonial in her dealings with Maya but she's not what you'd call helpful towards Dev although she could be, if she'd wanted.

It's sleek, it's clean, it's the Silver Stitcher machine, edging at the speed of life at Underworld.  Only problem is, Danny gets only one of these new machines for the girls to use and they all want their own.  And as they fight over who gets to use it, they decide on a machine race and then a gur-slur for some reason I still can't fathom. This meant attention was diverted from Kelly trying to get into Baldwin's knickers - the ones he was wearing, not the ones she was stitching.  Hayley knows what's going on and she's not best pleased but Danny and Kelly seem to be enjoying themselves flirting across the factory floor.   Elsewhere in the factory, bingo virgin Sean is taken for a night out at the Mecca where it's eyes down with two fat ladies and the rest of the girls.

Liz returns to the Rovers, takes up her old job and moves back into her room only to move out an episode later when Charlie can't keep his hands to himself.  Shelly's still in denial and bitches with Liz behind the bar, which makes great viewing for the regulars at the Rovers but is disappointing for this telly watcher who's wanting something more, something better, in a storyline for Shelley.  Unable to afford anything else, Liz moves back in with Steve and Karen, who are still trying, and failing, to conceive.

Trying to spice up his love life with Cilla, Les buys a second hand spa bath from Charlie.  It's huge, it's round and it takes three people to lift it up the stairs but Les is convinced this will put the sparkle back into that place wherever sparkles go (as opposed to sparklers which shouldn't be put anywhere, just waved around in the air while you go "ooooooohhh").  Les does his back in trying to lift the bath and ends up in the Rovers on whisky to numb the pain while Cilla, the floozie in the jacuzzi, makes merry with Billy Arrowsmith the plumber as he installs the pipe work and gets the bubbles blowing.  There were some great scenes with Kirk and Chesney sitting the bath eating tea and watching telly before it was taken upstairs by the plumber, who says to Kirk: "I expect you lost a lot of modelling work once Lowry died".  Magic.

And that's just about that for this week.


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