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Sunday 17 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - May 18 1999

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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What a bitch! Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! Who? Linda the factory girl, bitch from hell. But then I suppose, she's no worse than Baldwin. Anyway, let me explain. Greg turns up at Freshco threatening Mike he'll tell Alma everything if Mike doesn't pay up for more negatives which Greg says he has. Mike and Sally are both a bit concerned about Greg's arrival back on the Street, especially when Greg walks into Sally's house, picks up little Sophie and threatens to hurt Sally and the girls if Baldwin doesn't pay up. Greg sends Sally across the road to the factory to collect the money from Mike, but Kevin sees her in the street and wonders why she's left the girls on their own. Kevin panics when he hears Sophie call out from the house and Sally runs back indoors and whimpers. With Greg in the front room, why on earth Sally and the kids couldn't have slipped out the back door and away down the back alley is a mystery, but there you go. Anyway, the police are called and the street is awash with coppers and gawping residents, wondering what on earth is going on. Eventually, the police storm into the house and as they do so, Sally picks up a chair and smashes it over Greg's head, knocking him unconscious. Alma is confused about Mike's involvement in all this but when she questions him, he tells her that Greg was after some money that he reckoned he was owed from when he worked for Mike. Meanwhile, Deirdre tells Ken the truth about Mike, Julia, the photos and the blackmail, but unfortunately, Sally also tells Kevin. And Kevin tells Alison. And Alison tells Linda. And bitch factory girl from hell, Linda tells Alma. Poor, poor Alma. She confronts Mike who tells her everything while managing to paint himself as victim of the whole sorry mess. Alma, quite rightly, walks out and leaves him. Meanwhile, Greg is charged with assualt and imprisonment and refused bail.

The good lady councillor Roberts is wined and dined by Fred Eliott who confides in her that he has a son... and a fine lad he is too. Although Fred tells her this in confidence, Audrey, of course, blabs to Maxine and starts to question Ashley about his family background, believing that Ashley may be Fred's secret son, not his nephew. There's a great scene when she's questioning Ashley and he turns the tables on Audrey and ends up questioning her about her background instead.

The lovely Spider has a bit too much to drink and goes to Nita's flat to declare his undying love for her, but sobers up pretty sharp-like when Steve McDonald comes into the flat to see Nita. Nita asks Curly out for lunch and tells him she wants a job at Freshco instead of working for her father and useless brother. Curly offers to help her and says he'll see what he can do.

Leanne starts working as a barmaid in the Rovers and is as happy as a sandboy, until Gail points out she's too young to be working behind the bar. Natalie has yet to find out. Jack struggles on with his work at the Rovers with Vera helping him out by carrying up crates of beer from the cellar so Jack doesn't strain himself. Natalie has yet to find this out,too.

Glenda :-)

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