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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Mar 4 2002

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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It's been another good week for Corrie this week, the change of direction in tone, pace and dialogue is all for the best. There's been lots of laughs, a bit of pathos and a big pan of panackalty (but we'll come to that later).

After last week's ordeal for Rita, Emily, Blanche and Betty, Norris takes it upon himself to get the ladies through their post-trauma syndrome. "Face those feelings and conquer them!" he tells them but it's too much for Betty who breaks down in the Rovers' back room and Fred sends her to her Gordon's for a while. Fred asks Betty for their Gordon's number. "It's in the book" says Betty (Under R for Rgordon). Emily seems a little stronger although the gun experience has left them all a little shaken. But when Rita sees what the Weatherfield Gazette has gone and printed about their ordeal, her strength returns enough for her to attack the journalist when he dares show his face in the Rovers. The headline screams "Have-a-go grannies tackle armed robber" and Rita firmly tells the hack that she isn't a granny, she isn't even a pensioner. The poor bloke gets battered by newspapers and handbags as he's chased out of the Rovers by the have-a-go grannies having another go.

But now that Betty's gone off to stay with her son, who's to mekhotpotintrovers? Shelley is all for doing some traditional cooking while Geena wants to lift the tone with some gastro pub stuff. So first off it's Shelley with her pan of panackalty, or panack as I know it. (Both the name and the recipe are derived from the Geordie dish Pan Haggerty). Now then, before I gave up eating red meat, I used to love the stuff. When I'd walk through the front door after a hard day at school and say to me mam "what's for tea?" and she'd say "panack" my little heart would lift, it really would. It's not, as Geena called it, corned beef hash, it's more a corned beef and vegetable stew with sliced potatoes or dumplings on top (both of which Shelley forgot). But I digress. It doesn't sell well in the Rovers and Geena thinks she can make Shelley's "pernickety" look sorrowful when it's her turn to cook. Unfortunately her Toulouse sausages, puy lentils and gratinated duchess potatoes don't go down a storm either. "That's just posh sausage and mash" wor lad said to me, about three seconds before Eileen then said to Geena "That's just posh sausage and mash". Fred and Eve know they've got to start selling the hot pot again so Eve has a try at the recipe - with dismal results. Fred's convinced that he can win Betty over when she returns, hoping to get the recipe from her so that he can start selling it in the shop, I say, from under the counter.

Confusion reigned and Norris got wet when he got the wrong end of the stick about baby Ben's christening. Emma and Curly have invited Jack, Vera and Kevin to be the godparents but Norris has taken it upon himself to think he was invited to be godparent too. When Rita points out to him that if he didn't actually hear the words "will you be Ben's godfather" then there's a good chance he wasn't asked. Poor Norris, he was so keen. So Rita goes to see Curly and Emma and tells them about the confusion. Immediately, the Watts wander off to the corner shop to put a smile on Norris' face when they ask him officially. In the Watts household, Emma is preparing to go back to work and Curly spends his last day at Freshco, waved off with a carriage clock and a few goodbye cards. Both of them know they'll have to make an adjustment, and have doubts that they're doing the right thing.
Over at Streetcars Eileen and Les try to work out why Vik has been taking so many calls from Hazel Wilding's address. Les figures that Vik's found himself a bored, randy housewife and he and Vernon wonder what she's like. "I want a crack at her" says Les and demands to take the next call received. So off he goes and of course Hazel answers the door in her frillies. She says she's not dressed yet and asks him to wait but Les takes it all wrong and tries to follow her up the stairs. Hazel's aghast but Les is direct. "Well, I'm sorry love, but I have it on very good authority that you're gagging for it!". Anyway, Vik ends up with a slap round the chops from Hazel for talking about her to the lads on the taxis. Vik denies it all then claims that he loves her. She admits that she has deep feelings for him too (but it's all just so pointless and naff).

And finally this week Martin and Sally decide they need to spend more time together, alone. Oh alright then, they wanted a shag. So Sally sent the kids off to Kevin, got dolled up at the kitchen table and cooked a meal for Martin, who doesn't turn up. With the dinner in the bin and angry messages on his machine, Sally gets a shock when Sarah knocks on her door to tell her that Gail's just had a call from the hospital; Martin's been attacked.

And that's just about that for this week.

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