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Tuesday 12 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - July 5 2004

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Sunita's sad rather than relieved to find out she's not pregnant, she quite liked the idea of becoming a mum even if it was to Danny-boy's baby.  Danny's wife Frankie has a visit from Vinnie (what is this, the Sopranos?) who wants to whisk her back darn sarf to London.  Danny spies Vinnie's motor parked outside the house and walks in on them both, tells Frankie to make her decision and scarpers off to the pub.  When he gets back he finds Vinnie gone and Frankie still there, wanting to give their marriage another go.  Besides which, she's taken a liking to barm cakes and has Vera working for her as housekeeper, cleaner and chief bottle washer.

Vera finds Tyrone clocking the mileage on Jack's exercise bike and isn't best pleased. Filled with Frankie's fancy ideas, Vera tells Jack he's joining a gym and the bike has to go.  And that's when it all went a bit odd with Norman Wisdom (yes, it was he)  in running shorts,  jogging his way along the cobbles and falling though the Duckie's doorway when he comes to buy the bike.  I have to admit, this bit was hilarious but then, well, Granada should have had the wisdom to leave this wonderful walk-on part at the jogging stage before it tripped and fell rather sadly.

Leanne winds things up between Nick and Maria  She lures Nick to Janice's flat on the pretence of having something important to tell him and when he's there she snaps his photo on her mobile phone and sends it to Maria. Maria's straight round there demanding to know what's going on and as she walks through the door, Leanne's got her top open, pretending there's something going on between her and Nick.  At the same time as Maria walks in on this, so does Leanne's boyfriend Phil, also wanting to know what's going on before finally walking out after finding out Leanne's really as common as he feared. Nick went for an interview in Nottingham this week and when they offer him the job Gail sulks at the thought of losing golden boy although Maria, at first, is keen to move with him.  After Leanne's shenanigans this week prove Nick's still somewhat infatuated with his ex-wife, Maria changes her mind and says she's going nowhere.

Pensioner power proves positive in the battle against council funds being spent on Alf's memorial fountain. Audrey takes it all personally and ends up in tears but not before withering Emily, Rita and Blanche in the Rovers with: "You're just a superannuated Sex in the City". Although Norris is no Mr Big.  On the day of the unveiling of the plans at the council where Audrey's in her best suit for the photographers, the pensioners are on patrol, ready for protest. If that fails then they'll settle for Plan B  - a nice sit down and a cup of tea with a biscuit in the council canteen after a bit of complaining. Unfortunately, Betty starts having chest pains and with the size of her chest, the pains are quite big. She's rushed off to hospital in an ambulance.

Jack and Fred decide to put a bowls team together but none of the men in the pub prove forthcoming, so the ladies get their own team instead.  Meet team Rovers Ravers: Hayley, Shelley, Sonia, Eileen, Janice and Fiz. Jack enters them in the interpub challenge where first prize is a crate of ale. 

And that's just about that for this week.


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