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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - July 29 2002

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This week's update written by John Dean. Glenda Young was away  

Welcome one and all to the festive Commonwealth Games Update. Richard teases Gail he has a full day of appointments on the Wedding Day. O stop. My ribs hurt. He's bought Nick a new suit to replace the one damaged by the muggers. It strikes me many of the characters have something in common with Commonwealth Countries. Richard is like Belize - no-one is sure of its history but they know it's got something to do with money. Gail's a bit like Lesotho - you're a bit taken aback when someone says they want to go there.
Karen (the Bahamas - everyone likes the sound of it but is put off by the price) is doing her catalogue shopping and has set her heart on a book-case. Steve (Cayman Islands - dodgy past where money is concerned) challenges her to name a book she has read. Great Expectations, says she, by Charles Darwin. But she is upset to discover the Council are building a Bail Hostel next to the flats - with muggers, murderers and rapists as neighbours, could the value of their property go down? Steve barely restrains her from gripping Richard.

Kevin (Norfolk island - not easy to communicate with) is putting a card in the Kabin advertising for a mechanic. (Query, who does he think is going to read it?)

Maria (Vanuatu - small and attractively named) turns up to do the family's hair prior to the wedding and is as a moth to Nick's flame. Or a caterpillar to Nick's grub. Whatever. Candice (Papua New Guinea - unique and incomprehensible dialect) is her love rival. Richard discovers the car firm have cancelled the wedding limo because his cheque has bounced. Audrey arranges for Archie to save the day by providing transport.

David (Turks and Caicos - just sounds a bit rum) pinches the ring off the best man for fun, then panics because it seems Bethany (St Helena - tiny and isolated) has swallowed it. But it turns up safe - Sarah (Kiribati - also small and attractively named) has been trying it on.

Two Police Officers turn up to see Richard. Australia was expecting his wife and is worried that she hasn't turned up. Richard smooths his way out of it. But wait! There is a sudden message on the Police Radio! Richard is called back to the car! Whew! It's only Emma passing on her good wishes. David has been giving a running commentary to his Mum from the window - 'They've got the stun gun out! They're putting the cuffs on!' but she just chuckles. Roger, Richard's best man, (Nauru - just suddenly appeared) spots her bracelet & and recognises it as one he bought on Richard's behalf for Patricia. 'Is that your 'something borrowed?' he wants to know. Gail just chuckles. In fact, given how relaxed she is about the whole day, not even rushing to put her dress on, casually inviting Maria to the wedding as an afterthought, I suspect she's been taking industrial doses of Prozac.

Les (Northern Ireland - history of violence and lack of neighbourliness) offers a room to two Australian Backpackers (Australia - other side of the world) but they are obviously out to con him and Kirk.

The ceremony goes without a hitch (though Steve has to put a hand over Karen's mouth when the Vicar wants to know if anyone is aware of any lawful impediments) as do the speeches - the Best Man's speech is excruciatingly realistic. Richard's speech is suitably oily - comparing a married couple to a pair of scissors that work perfectly side by side and woe betide anyone who comes between them. Aw! He could have said marriage was like a nail file - after you've had enough of the rough bit you can turn it over and have another rough bit.

Sarah lets slip that Nick was mugged by GRRRLZ! (Not Rawsie & Surphie (British Virgin Islands)) and Aiden makes fun of him. Maria is sympathetic and offers to 'kiss it better'. Strange, she doesn't even know where Nick's bruises are - I mean, she might end up kissing his .Oh . *now* I get it. Anyway, they are later dragged out, dishevelled, from a spare room at the hotel where, as Candice puts it, they have obviously not been playing with the trouser press.

Audrey & Sally have a heart to heart about weddings and marriages. Sally realises she may be setting her standards too high and agrees to let Kevin move back in. But she starts to have second thoughts when he spills the beans to the girls.

Fred returns and extends Shelley's trial period as Manageress, much to Geena 's disgust.
Karen has her new settee delivered but it gets stuck half way up the stairs. And Emily has videoed hours of the Games and is yet to see Norris (Botswana)

John Dean

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