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Saturday 9 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - January 2 2006

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
All the wit and warmth of Weatherfield, none of the waffle
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Penny pops off to see her sick old mum leaving Mike at the mercy of  his failing faculties which devious Danny decides to exploit.  Danny finds an engagement ring which Mike forgot he'd bought for Penny and  he realises he's right at the bottom of Mike's priorities now. Danny  and Leanne concoct a plan of action to ensure Danny gets his share  of the Underworld fortune. Penny returns from her mum's to find Mike  more confused. In one of his more lucid moments he pops a ring on  her finger and pops the question. When she says no, he storms out of  the restaurant, drives around in his car and gets lost. He pops into  the Rovers (there was lots of popping this week) thinks that Bev is  Bet and he ends up packing Penny's bags and throwing her out of the  flat.

Leanne and Danny go for dinner at the Battersby-Browns and Cilla and  Les pull out all the stops.  Les is there in his best frilly shirt  and there's no expense spared for the seasonal meal which includes  microwaved pop-tarts and all the sauces on the table – brown, red  and salad cream.

Jamie – a boy so sensitive that fabric conditioner brings him out in  a rash – foolishly thinks that Frankie fancies him. Worse still, he  thinks he's fallen in love with his step-mum after jealous Carol  stirs things between mother and step-son. Why they haven't thrown  that woman out yet, I just don't know.  Jamie finally snaps and says  he's had enough of Carol and her poisonous mind so he packs his bag  and takes a taxi to the airport to go to visit  brother Wa'rn in  Spain.

Artist Hilary asks Jack and Vera if she can paint them in the nuddy  at her life class where the students use a mixture of bodily fluids  in their artwork – excretions, secretions and vomit (sounds like a  firm of solicitors to me).  Not surprisingly, Vera says no but when  Jack finds out there's a wad of money involved he has other ideas.  Hilary wants to capture the essence of the Duckies before she starts  to paint them and when Jack and Vera start arguing in the Rovers she  snaps away on her camera capturing all the angst and anger that  makes the pair of them exactly what they are.

Steve and Ronnie book a holiday to the Caribbean and when Tracy  finds out she tells Steve he can't go because she needs him to look  after Amy as she's decided to swan off to the sun with Charlie  instead.  Steve, supported by Liz, Ronnie and a haggle of factory  girls in the background, storm round to see Tracy and he puts her  straight on the sun-tan situation. In the Rovers later Tracy comes  in for stick from the factory girls over how easily she was prepared  to dump Amy to get back at Steve.  Charlie doesn't book the holiday  and lets Tracy know that her young daughter, adorable as she is, doesn't figure into his life. This week, of course, the Street celebrated New Years Eve.  At the Barlows, Deirdre tempted Ken to a night in the Rovers: "Eat your beans, we're going out".  With no babysitter, Tracy left Amy home alone upstairs in her cot while she went out to celebrate at Charlie's with cheap champagne. In the Rovers, everyone was in daft hats and a party mood. Cilla was there wearing pink fishnets (always good for catching crabs in) and there was much kissing as Big Ben chimed midnight - although I don't know if Ben enjoyed this or not. 

After Sally and Kev return from a New Year knees-up at Rita's, Sally goes across the road to wish daughter Rosie a Happy New Year.  But when she finds Craig answering the door in his dressing gown and Rosie upstairs in his bed, well, she's not best pleased, oh dearie me, no.  Weatherfield got its own star-crossed lovers in the shape of Rosie and Craig after Sally and Kev locked their daughter in her room when they found out she's been sleeping with her boyfriend.
It's like Romeo and Juliet for the `Heat' generation - with Craig standing under Rosie's bedroom window texting  instead of all that `where for art thou?' stuff. Sally's all at sea trying to cope with Rosie and has a chat to Gail who knows a thing or two about such matters. Meanwhile young Sophie feels left out at home and says that everyone's ignoring her pleas to join the bra-tastic set at school.

Blanche goes to a funeral but returns dead downcast instead of full of gory gossip. She was supposed to pick up her mate Lena on the way to the funeral but when she got to the sheltered accommodation to meet her mate, it turned out that Lena had gone to meet her maker.

Emily and Rita continued to get friendly with Ed the born-again  Christian while Norris feels left out. Ed made an impression on  Eileen when he bought her a bag of pork scratchings in the Rovers, clearly finding his way to Mrs Grimshaw's soft spot.

Liz tells Bev that Vernon's off on a four week cruise to Casa-flamin'-Blanca so she decides to go with him to keep his hands off the groupies all afloat in the sea of middle-age desperation. Bev says she'll come on the cruise too and even manages to talk Fred into doing a spot of sailing, I say, accompanying them all.

And that's just about that for this week.


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