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Monday 18 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Apr 7 1998

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Poor Deirdre. There she is, her and her specs, stuck in prison with scouser Jackie Dobbs. Deirdre herself wrote a letter to The Sun, thanking loyal fans for their support while she's banged up. Only 'Coronation Street' has the power to do this, to bring the nation together for a bit of "Free the Weatherfield One" fun. The Street has even brought the Prime Minister and leader of the opposition, William Vague, together in agreement. A rare feat indeed. Anyway, as I sit here wearing my 'Free Deirdre' specs with flashing lights round the frames, stick-on 'Empathise with Deirdre' neck muscles and "Deirdre's Innocent" T-shirt and matching slippers, here I go with this week's update.

Aye, the poor lass isn't doing too well in prison. Cellmate Jackie tells her not to worry, they can go for a swim in the prison pool and have a jacuzzi and massage later. This brings a semblance of a smile to Deirdre's face until, 20 minutes after everyone else, she realises it's April Fool's day. Obviously a reject from 'Within These Walls' and without any of the niceties of Googie Withers, prison warden Veitch plays another cruel, cruel trick on Deirdre. She tells Deirdre her appeal will be heard that very afternoon, there's been a cancellation. Deirdre says her goodbyes to Jackie, "I kept telling you I was innocent!" she laughs "I'll be out soon!" Veitch takes Deirdre to the prison main gate. "See that gate?" she snarls "That's to keep you in, not to let you out." It was all a cruel ploy to quieten Deirdre down to stop protesting her innocence every five minutes. It crushes Deirdre. She weeps and cries and when Mike Baldwin goes to visit her, she stares into space and retreats into her own strange world just like my cat does when he's had too much catnip. Mike calls Veitch and Deirdre is taken to the prison hospital where a psychologist is called to see her. Veitch tells Mike he'd be better off getting Deirdre to accept her time in prison rather than raising her hopes of release. Mike is incensed and threatens to report Veitch; a nasty piece of work if ever I saw one.

Alma finds out (from Ken, no less!) that Mike has paid £10,000 for Deirdre's legal fees. Naturally, she's not best pleased and after confronting Mike and slapping him across the face (in full view of the factory girls) and a few excellent, tearful scenes from Alma she tries to make sense of Mike's actions. She goes out and does 'a bit of shopping, a lot of thinking' (I love lines like that) and tells Gail she thinks Mike has been having an affair with Deirdre for the last 15 years and walks out on him. Back to the cafe she goes and asks Gail if she can stay there for the night. She leaves Mike a note, and when he finds Alma gone and reads the note, there's tears in his eyes too.

Angie also finds out that Mike has spent £10,000 from the Underworld account on Deirdre. She takes her portfolio and gets herself an in-house designer job elsewhere, telling Mike she wants to split the partnership and move on. Mike is desperate, he even calls Angie's new employers to try to get her out of her new contract but Angie is determined to leave (again).

A tall, dark, handsome stranger turns up on the Street looking for Les Battersby. Les, worried that it might be someone from the social security office trying to track him down, says he's not Les, he's Des Battersby, Les' brother. Anyway, once the confusion dies down, we meet Greg Kelly, who turns out to be Les Battersby's son from a fling with Moira Kelly, many years ago. Greg is a bit of alright, driving around in a beamer with his own business card and involved in the fashion industry. At first apprehensive, Les tells him he's "dead chuffed" to have a son and, a great expression you hear in the North East a lot, asks Greg "How ya diddlin'?" when he came back to the house to meet Toyah and Leanne. Greg takes a bottle of champagne with him for the family meeting but Les takes it off him, saying it's too good for his lot and he'll keep it for a special occasion! Out come the beers and Greg and Leanne hit it off straight away, Toyah isn't so sure.
In the cafe, Judy overhears Nick and Leanne moaning about baby Shannon (aka Katie), saying that the baby's crying is keeping them both awake at night. Judy's maternal antenna picks up on this and she tells Gary she's worried that Shannon isn't being looked after. Ashley tells Betty that Shannon has developed a cough and he's worried about her. He calls the doctor to make an appointment to see the baby, and chastises Zoe for smoking in the house and not looking after her child properly.

Over at the Websters, Sally and Kevin are getting all lovey-dovey again. Kevin asks Sally if they should have another baby as he'd like a son. Sensible to the end, Sally tells him they've been through a lot lately and a new baby is the last thing they need.

And finally, a beautiful scene this week between Roy and Hayley. I hope it won't be the last time we see these two together on the Street. Hayley comes into the cafe and tells Roy that she's been to see her solicitor and it looks like she's going to become quite wealthy as she was the only beneficiary of her father's will. This means she can afford to go abroad and have her operation done privately, and discreetly. Roy, prepared for Hayley's departure, gives her a gift. It's a book on Automotive Engines, but when Hayley opens the book, a silver locket falls out. They say goodbye, Roy offers his hand for Hayley to shake, but instead she grabs him in a bear hug and thanks him for everything he's done. "You made me feel like a real woman." she tells him. Shyly, Roy asks if Hayley found him attractive. "Oh yes, attractive and interesting." she replies. They tell each other to take care and as Hayley leaves, Roy gives the thumbs up. Perfect, absolutely perfect.
And that's it for this week.


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