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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Oct 29 1996

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Another slow week on the Street this week, I'm afraid. Ken and the headmistress, Sue, are away on their multimedia conference when who should walk into the hotel but Norris and Derek, who are there on a golfing weekend which Norris and Angela should have attended but Angela pulled out at the last minute and Norris asked Derek to go instead. If you remember, the headmistress was the person who sacked Derek from his position at the school as janitor, so the two of them don't really get on very well. Later, much later that evening, Sue calls at Ken's room with a bottle of plonk and tells Ken she needs to talk to someone, so she settles down on his bed and eventually talks and drinks herself to sleep. Being the gentleman he is, Ken leaves her sleeping there and he sleeps in her room.
The next morning, when Ken goes back to his own room he finds Sue unconscious on the bathroom floor, she'd got drunk and fell against the basin in the bathroom, knocking herself out. When Norris sees Sue being carried out of Ken's room on a stretcher later that morning he gets the wrong idea about what has happened and he tells Derek his juicy piece of gossip. Derek, in turn, tells Mavis who tells Rita who tells Emily and before you know it everyone knows, even Becky, who overhears this scandalous news about her headmistress and one of her teachers.

Raquel and Curly are invited to dinner at the Mallets. When the Watts are getting stuck into the pudding and custard, Judy's watch bleeps. "Come on Gary, it's time!" and the two of them dash upstairs to make the most of Judy's fertile moment! Raquel and Curly are left sitting at the dinner table, both very embarrassed. Curly is still hoping to become a father too, but now that Raquel has her career, she wants to put motherhood on hold. Mr. Firman invites Curly and Raquel to dinner, and Curly reminds Raquel of the embarrassment caused the last time they went to dinner at the Firmans. "Oh I was gauche then" says Raquel "And the shoes I wore in those days were horrible". I get the feeling that Curly wants the old-style gauche Raquel back, horrible shoes or not.

Des doesn't want to give up Claire, but doesn't want her to lose her pension money, so he rents the flat above the bookies shop from Sean Skinner and tells Claire and Becky to move in there. They intend to use it just as a postal address, so officially, Claire isn't seen to be living with Des and won't lose out on the £16,000 pension each year. Why do I get the feeling that this will all go horribly wrong?
Jim and Liz are finished, it's all over, gone. They go to see an external mediator, but end up arguing when Jim offers Liz only £500 from the money his mother left him in his will. Liz wants her pound of flesh and storms out of the meeting. When Jim tells Bill what's been going on, Bill turns on Jim, shouting "Is this all you can talk about? Don't you know it's boring? Boring! BORING!" (And it's about time someone said that). With Andy's support, Liz goes to see Jim again, and this time he offers her £1,000, which she accepts. (it should keep her in Slimfast meals for one for a few months) "So that's it then, so it is" says Jim, gazing at Liz. "Yes, that's it, finished" says Liz but by the way these two are gazing at each other, it looks like neither one of them can accept that their marriage is truly finished.

Slimy Sean Skinner is trying his best to chat up Sulky Samantha in the Rovers but I hope she's got more sense than to fall for him. When Betty sees what's going on, she remarks "We've had enough trouble with Bookies and barmaids in this pub already".

Alf has to have a health check now that he's 70, so that he can reapply for his driving licence. He's worried about going to the doctor in case the doctor finds something wrong with him. He asks Martin for advice "It's for a friend, like..." but Martin knows that Alf is asking for advice for himself and tells him to go to the doctor who he's sure will give him a clean bill of health.

Ashley and Kelly are back together. Oh no they're not! Oh yes they are! Oh no they're not! Ah, the joys of young love, innocent and sweet, painful and bitter. Uncle Fred gets involved in Ashley's love life when he sees how upset Ashley is at work but even less than subtle words from Fred don't manage to get these two barmcakes back together. Kelly's convinced that Don Brennan is leading Ashley into had habits - drinking and gambling - but Ashley is just enjoying his first sip of independence living away from home.

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