Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
All the wit and warmth of Weatherfield, none of the waffle
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Reg has gone - Alf helps out Maud for free whilst Maureen is helpingReg
to get settled in his new home. Audrey thinks that Alf is getting
paid, but he says that is something that they should all keep
secret! A couple of days later in the Rovers, Maureen tells Curly
that Reg believed that Curly was a dead cert to take over from
Reg, but Curly explains that he is having to apply and that it
will not be a foregone conclusion. Maud and Maureen offer Dierdre
a job helping out. Alf seems put out when he comes into the shop
to help out!
Sean Skinner picks up on the atmosphere in the Weatherfield branch
of his bookies, takes the two of them out to lunch to sort the
problems out. He refuses Des's request for a transfer. Vicky and
Steve just happen to be in the same pub as the work's "outing"
- Sean and Steve meet, Sean is very complimentary to Steve, calling
him "little Stevie wonder boy and his child bride" and
in front of Liz!! Vicky tells Steve that she is to go to see one
of her old friends from school to get some work for the print
shop - Steve won't come with her as he doesn't particularly like
her frineds. Vicky is annoyed with his attitude because this is
good work coming in.
Fiona and the new Garage mechanic, Tony Horrocks, go out bowling
with some of the Rovers' Football team. She has been encouraged
by Denise, who thinks that they would make a good couple. Baldwin
also meets Tony for the first time, and questions Kevin about
the terms of his employment! Baldwin wants Kevin to look at the
car. Kevin says that he can't do it before lunchtime, but cunning
Tony, eager to impress the new boss, offers to have a look immediately,
creating the right impression!
Sarah Louise and David are in their school plays, Alice in Wonderland
and the Nativity respectively. Sarah Louise is caught by Martin
scrubbing out Don's face from the family photos. She explains
that he is no longer part of the family. This action and thoughts
of Christmas cause Gail to think that they all need to come around
the table together. Gail suggests "buying Don out" for
£5000, and he has to move out when Nick decides what he
wants to do with the house when he is 18. In the mean time Don
would have to pay rent to Nicky, as acknowledgement of Nick's
claim to the house. Don storms out, with Josie, disgusted with
the offer and insistant that Gail is trying to con him out of
what is rightly his.
Bill wants a new flat, encouraged by Vera who would ideally like
him out of the Rovers. It is suggested that he ask Denise about
the flat over the shop. Denise refuses to let it out for reasons
to follow! Denise and her accountant Brother-in-Law who has "come
to do the books" of the last two years. Denise locks the
doors of the Salon. She remenisces of the sex that they once had
together, that they concealed from their respective relatives.
Their remeniscing turns to reality, as they re-enact the passion
of that after-party shag! Denise re-counts her boring sexlife
in the last 2 years - Ken is boring, especially in bed! She admits
to herself that she is a "bad lot." Scenes that remind
us of Elsie Tanner are in evidence. There is talk that they would
like the affair to continue, but maybe in a safer place. This
is the reason for refusing to let the flat to Bill - a place to
writhe in the heat of passion! On top of all of this, Denise reaches
the age of 40 - Ken suggests that this is the age when women go
on the rampage! It seems that he is right...
Bill asks Jim to help him with some repairs at Mike Baldwin's
flats. Roy Cropper helps or should that be hinders the operation.
The two men ponder as to whether they could make this a full time
venture, with a yard and a van possibly as well as local advertising
by leaflet drops. Whilst getting paid for the job, Baldwin offers
Bill a flat there, so his problems are beginning to be solved.
Vera has to go to Blackpool to see little Tommy who has contracted
German Measles. Vera has doubts about the pub and the workload
involved. Raquel says they need extra help behind the bar now
that Betty has gone. Jack asks the employment agency to send people.
He gets a barmaid called Carol Starkey and decides to give her
a try. After a couple of hours neither Jack nor Carol are keen
on her staying on! She decides that the people are too wierd!
Betty comes into the bar whilst carol is still there, and is served
by her. Carol gets a frosty reception from Betty! Raquel explains
that that is just Betty! Jack finally strikes a deal with Newton
and Ridleys about the Mild and the Bitter - even Raquel see that
he is a good negotiator! Lorraine Ramsden is the next Barmaid
that turns up for a try-out! She is very attractive, much to Raquel's
annoyance! She is also extremely inexperienced, and very clumsy,
giving huge measures! How long can she last?
The new residents in the Street, the Mallets, have housewarming
party. Mavis and Derek are annoyed when their noisey friends turn
up in a big van and some very loud Heavy Metal music starts up!
It is clearly a very high class party! Fiona and Tony end up snogging,
despite the teething troubles that they had the night before when
they were bowling!
Rita gets a mysterious cheque from a life assurance company. Rita
invites Mavis to come with her on a holiday - a cruise in fact!
Derek doesn't want Mavis to go, and wants her to come with him
to the Lake District on his leave that he needs to take before
Christmas. And that's about it! The next week looks like being
a corker - Friday's episode is the big 35th Anniversary One hour
special! Despite the fact that she hasn't been proposed to yet,
it seems that raquel is going to get married! I'll let you know
what happens this time next week! Quote of the week. After Jack
slaps Raquel's bottom whilst behind the bar : "And may I
point out that my backside is not for slapping, not during working
Realising the error of her quote she turns aside and mutters "oh,
what have I said?
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