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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Nov 5 1996

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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At last! At long, long last, Maureen and Bill finally got it together and the nation breathed a sigh of relief. It's Bill's birthday and he arranges to go out for dinner with Maureen but at the appointed hour, she cries off as Maud isn't feeling too well. They take a rain check to meet up later in the week and sure enough, Maud is doing just fine and Maureen goes back to Bill's flat for "coffee". They had hoped to nip into the flat without anyone seeing them, but Roy Cropper is just leaving to do his late night shopping and Deirdre is just arriving home after a night in the Rovers, so no doubt, their affair will be hot news on the street any time now.

Someone else who is hot gossip at the moment is Ken Barlow. After tales of his exploits with the headmistress gather momentum around the Street, word gets back to Mrs Jeffers from Fred Eliot who tells her what he's heard on the grapevine. She is aghast and assumes that Ken has been telling everyone what happened, but Ken hasn't said a word. It's down to Mavis and Derek once more, they were the ones who spilled the beans but they both come over all innocent like (you know, the way they do).

Poor Alf. He goes to the doctor to ask for a medical certificate which states that he is fit enough to drive at 70 years of age. The doctor examines him but when Alf leaves, he reverses his car into the doctor's car, causing some damage. Trying to prove that he's not the oldest swinger in town (yet) Alf signs up for a sponsored walk at Ken's school fete (and this is the first time I've ever seen an indoor sponsored walk!) However, Alf twists his ankle and calls for a doctor, and who should turn up but the doctor whose car Alf wrecked. Unsurprisingly, the doc tells Alf he won't be giving him a certificate of health for driving purposes. As if that wasn't bad enough, Alf then has to suffer at Audrey's hands while he recounts his experience to her after she gets back from swanning around the health farm with Alma.

Now that Liz is a free woman, she starts chatting up slimeball Sean Skinner in the Rovers and buys him a drink. Something else strange happened in the Rovers - Deidre tells Ken she's received a phone call from Tracey, who sounded happy. Yes, I know, that's strange in itself, but apparently Tracy has some news for them both.

Curly and Raquel have dinner with the Firmans, and Andy and Ann are also invited. Raquel is the model of decorum, she knows which knife and fork to use this time and even gets on well with Mrs. Firman. A friend of Raquel's from her aromatherapy course arrives to stay with Raquel for a few days, she's in town for a job interview. On the day she arrives, Raquel is released from her job at the hotel beauty parlour as budget cuts have to be made, but instead of being upset about it, her friend Lorraine gets Raquel tiddly on white wine in the Rovers and convinces her to go along to the job interview with her as one of the aromatherpay teachers is on the interview panel and they should both stand a good chance of securing jobs.

Ashley asks Don if it's OK with him for Kelly to stay overnight occasionally. Don says he doesn't mind but tells Ashley to be discreet as the walls aren't very thick and noise carries through them quite well. Not that it matters, because Kelly turns down Ashley's invitation to stay over anyway!

Claire's mother in law calls round to see the new flat and tells Claire she's not happy about the arrangements, in fact, she's expressing Claire's feelings herself. In the end, Claire decides she's going to stay with Des in his house. and give up the pension and Des can either like it or lump it. I think he smiled at this point so it could mean he was happy with the arrangement, or he could just have had wind. Now, if it were me, I would rather have 16 grand a year than live with a miserable Geordie booky who lives on pizza and beer, but there you go, there's no accounting for taste.

I'll see you in December!

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