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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Oct 22 1996

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Some people just don't like being happy, and Des Barnes is one of them. Now he's realised that Claire is willing to give up her £16,000 in pension so that she can live with him, he tells her he wants her to move out. That's right, he's throwing her and Becky out onto the street because he doesn't want to commit himself to Claire the way she is prepared to commit herself to him. (Des even seeks advice from slimebag Sean Skinner). Poor Becky is suffering, she doesn't know what's going on and blames herself for her mother and Des splitting up.

Raquel and Curly's marriage is starting to show some strain. Curly still wants to have a family and Raquel tells him that true commitment is needed for starting a family. "Commitment?" he says "I am committed! Every night I've been committed, sometimes twice a night!". Raquel starts her new job as a masseuse in a beauty parlour. The girls she works with are all blonde, pretty and in their pink and white uniforms, I fear Raquel will get sucked into their Stepford Wives lifestyle in no time. Curly is rather annoyed when he arrives to collect Raquel from work, only to be told that she is going for a few drinks first with her colleagues.

Ashleigh moves in with Don Brennan as his lodger and already Don is leading the boy into bad habits. On the first night, Kelly and Ashleigh hang around hoping that Don will go out so they can have the house to themselves but Don shows no signs of moving so they both end up going out themselves. Then, Don's friend comes over for a drunken poker evening, and before you know it, Ashleigh's playing poker like a demon (and winning), all thoughts of Kelly gone from his mind.
Ken has a heart to heart with his headmistress and confesses that he thinks she fancies him. At first, she denies it but later admits that it was in the back of her mind. Off they go to the multi media conference together, in separate rooms and Ken intends to keep it that way.

Jamie is still a little upset about his father in prison but Jack cheers him up when he tells him he can have one of the baby pigeons as his very own.

Maureen and Bill ALMOST got together this week. Maude went out to her bingo night, and Maureen invited Bill around for dinner. The two of them admit they have strong feelings for each other, run upstairs to the bedroom and just when Maureen is closing the curtains, she spies Martin Platt's car outside in the street with her mother getting out of the car. In a panic, they both get dressed and dash downstairs. However, Maude recognised Bill's van, realised what was going on and asked Martin to take her back to the Rovers, leaving Bill and Maureen to wonder what's happened outside. "I hope there'll be other times... " grunts a disappointed Bill. "Oh yes, there will, I'll make sure of it" sighs a rather confused Maureen.

Liz and Jim agree to disagree about their divorce, on the advice of Deidre (who is dressed to look an awful lot like Joe90 in one of this week's episodes). Deidre tells them to seek arbitration which they decide to do (I'm not sure what this is as I wasn't paying much attention at this point, my dog has a sore foot and I was looking at that instead). Alf had to send his driving licence to the DVLA for renewal when he hit his 70th birthday so he can't drive his car at the moment and is walking everywhere. I wouldn't have mentioned this but it was brought up a few times this week so I thought I'd better slip it in, just in case.

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