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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Nov 12 1996

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Written by Nigel Worsfold as Glenda was away

I can only sincerely apologise to those of you who are (quite understandably) fed up with me already!
Things are moving along well with Maureen and Bill. She has a spring in her step and she's looking younger, happier and generally bouncier. If she had a tail it would be wagging. Their long-awaited bedroom scene consists of suggested/latent lust, rather than the 'full Monty'.

Jim and Bill's van expires in a cloud of carbon, and for a time things look very bad for them getting to the big building job they've just landed. Then Jim hits upon the master plan to get them out of trouble. He stops the £1000 cheque that he's given to Liz. When he tells her what he's done (he's a braver man than I) she goes ballistic, but, little by little, the old Irish charm chips away at her resisitance, and she agrees for him to pay her back in regular instalments, which I thought was damned decent of her.

Our Tracy returns in a veritable cloud of carpet fluff and youthful high expectation. She's been making love to a carpet fitter (one assumes) and she's adequately taken with him after six month's acquaintence, that she announces to her astonished mum that they are to wed. Both Deidre and Ken slowly warm to the idea. Ken provides a modest amount of cash for her to go and buy a dress, which she does. She blows 12 quid in a charity shop on the nuptual garment, and spends the rest on a pair of Doc Marten boots. Ken is horrified to hear of this unsuitable wedding footwear. "What...not BOVVER BOOTS" he splutters. I hadn't heard that term for 20 years! It seems Percy's contribution to the happy occasion is to create a cake, including ingredients which are symbolically linked to fertility.

Anyway, the young buck preparing to whisk our Tracy into a make-believe world of gripperods and deep pile shag is called Robbie, and his parents come to meet Ken and Deidre. They are Shirley and Maurice, and they are quite happy to verbalise their disapproval of the forthcoming match at every opportunity. Clearly Maurice bought the wrong size tie at Marks and Spencers because it only comes half way down his chest. Always a sign of a shifty so-and-so in my book! There is some suggestion that their beloved little Robert might be on the rebound from his long standing love, called Jan.
On the bright side, there is ample scope for more carpet jokes to follow, with the Wiltons living but a broadloom's length away. Keep your fingers crossed.

Alec and Fiona have a bit of a post mortem about her recent disastrous gig, and she decides not to chuck in the fame and fortune trail just yet. She acquires a new backing tape, and a pep talk from Rita, and this proves to be just the fillip she needs. Suddenly, the next time she sings, the audience stare fixedly at her, as though she is Barbra Streisand and Whitney Houston rolled into one, (which, sadly she is NOT). At the end of her Karaoke warblings they are quite ecstatic. Perhaps it sounded better if you were there....? One besotted male fan sidles up to her after her set and Fiona relishes the attention. But she accidentally snubs him and he slopes off with his tail between his legs.

Joyce seems short of cash, and bores Vera and, later, Alec with a story of her sick dog, and how it needs fortunes spent in it at the Vet's. They both fall for the tale (give her the benefit of the doubt, Nigel; it could be true) and stump up some cash. She tells Alec quite a different set of doggie symptoms to those she tells Vera, but it all amounts to the same, the pooch is on the blink! The extent of my veterinary knowledge is based entirely on the episode of All Creatures Great and Small when Trixi-Woo had a condition called FLOP-BOT, which turned out to be compacted anal glands, so I have grave doubts as to the truth of Joyce's shaggy dog story.

Sean invites Samantha to go to the dogs with him. It's been a canine sort of week when you think of it! At first she agrees but then she tells him to forget it, because Liz has told her he's a beast in the old sexual harassment department. Clearly Sam isn't looking for that sort of caper, so the night at the dogs is off!

But, of course, the Big Deal this week has been the build up to The Greatest Street Heartbreak of All Time. I refer to Raquel's imminent departure for foreign parts. Her mate called Lorriane arrives to stay with her and Curly for a few days. They go through all that soul- searching stuff about the possible conflict vis-a-vis career/kiddies and Curly registers his full support for Raquel. Both girls go for the interview, and Lorraine falls at the first fence, but would-you-believe- it, Raquel is offered the job. She takes her wedding ring off to throw the interviewers off the scent that she might be encumbered by ties or commitments in this country. She tells them a bare- faced lie on that score. She appears to be ruthless and selfish, but perhaps that's what they taught her in Maidenhead! We'll never know.

At the second interview, she impresses the interviewers beyond measure by quoting (almost in context) the title of an Edith Piaf classic song. Needles to say, they are bowled over at her bilingual abilities. She confirms smugly that she does indeed speak conversational French, but not good enough to converse with a real French person, of course. A great line.

We end this weekly snippet with her telling Curly that she has been offered the job in Kuala Lumpur. Poor old Curly doesn't realise that's not the end of the line. The end of the line is still a few days off, Curly, old son!

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