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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Nov 19 1996

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Written by Nigel Worsfold as Glenda was away

The long awaited heart-searing anguish with Curly and Raquel has held centre stage and attracted acres of press coverage, so I shall deal with that first. Entire rain forests have fallen victim to the ravenous monster which is newsprint for the sake of these two. Now there is a global environmental dimension to Raquel leaving, this had better be good, Street script writers!.....

The letter arrives telling her she has the job, and Curly does'nt see the full picture immediately. Bit by bit, with the news about her leaving off her wedding ring for the final interview, etc, he see the awful truth, and all that it entails.

He harks back to her distress before their wedding ceremony, and asks her what those tears were for, or rather WHO they were for. He was expecting her to say they were for Des, and what might have been with that reationship, but no! Now the tears are his. He goes to the pub to sulk. He wouldn't be the first to do that, and I've got 10 quid that says he won't be the last! He is shocked, stunned, dazed and confused.

When every aspect and implication of the new job is finally revealed to him, and he understands that she intends to go to Kuala Lumpur to work for Berkeley International, he tells her he doesn't want her back, and goes off to join Eric Firman at a sales conference in Wigan. He tells Eric the "full SP" as Des and Sean would say, and Eric advises him to dash home and tell her how much he loves her, and try to salvage the situation. Curly says he would rather not go back, because he knows he would only get down and beg her to stay. On Judy's advice, Raquel phones him in Wigan, but she deliberately hangs up before he has a chance to get to the phone. She admits to Judy that she should never have married him in the first place.

She leaves him a neat pile of freshly ironed shirts, which I thought was rather sporting of her, under the circumstances, on top of which she places her wedding ring. Surplus to reqirements in her new life. She puts some unwanted clothes in a rubbish bag and drops it off at Judy and Gary's. She tells Judy "Look after him for me" and with a forced smile, she leaves. So comes the final line of yet another actress who has been transformed into a much loved character in millions of homes, by the Greatest Soap of All. Through soggy Kleenex, we wish her luck and hope that for Ms Lancashire, unlike for some others, there is life after The Street.

Curly appears later at Anne an Andy's place. He is carrying fish and chips and a permanent grin induced by a night on the old sauce. He exudes half-baked philosopy for a while, contemplates his exposed navel, (look closely non-UK viewers,) and falls asleep. Before he drifts off, he says he was happiest when he was on the bins with Eddie Yates. Wise words, Curly old son!

Between Liz and Sean, hostility slowly turns to lust over a conciliatory whisky in the back room of the betting shop, after hours. Surely it is only a matter of time before Ms Callard is mugged for her hair, late at night, by a desperate gang of masked Peruvian barnet-bandits, who will ship it home, where that one consignment will keep the entire country's paintbrush industry satisfied for a year! Anyway, Sean falls under the spell of her follicles, and snogs her unmercifully. They are, from that chilling moment, an item. God help him.

Judy and Gary are becoming increasingly anxious that their unending couplings have not had the fruitful result they were hoping for. They are talking about consulting a doctor. Most of this discussion takes place while Gary is tucking into a plate of bangers and mash. In a wonderful visual joke, which I pray was deliberate, Judy exits, and leaves Gary contemplating his sausage!
Joyce coaxes cash from both Alec and Vera on the pretence that her dog is poorly, and she can't afford the vet's bills. They both cough up the money to stop her providing the fine details of Scamper's canine ailments. I think I would have done the same.

The other big deal this week has been the wedding of Tracy, (thankfully with no trace of any "E") to the young carpet fitter, Robbie. The wedding is very nearly called off when we learn that Robbie and the best man have benn hermetically sealed inside a container as a routine part of the stag night festivities, and probably shipped off to Saudi Arabia. A manic search of docks and other likelt places ensues, with Deidre's neck sinews looking fit to bust! But Tracy's calm confidence is rewarded when he appears in time for the register office ceremony. Deidre has to lend her daughter her own wedding ring for the occasion because the best man still has not appeared. Everything goes off well, and Ken makes a lengthy and moralistic speech in the pub, as only Ken can.

But in his audience, there is one who is hanging on every wise word. Yes, Deidre is looking lovingly at him all the while, her neck at peace by now. They wave the happy couple off outside the pub, and we are teased by the sight of Ken putting one arm around Deidre, as they return to finish off the champers.

The only other noteworthy plotline has been that Fiona is starting to "moonlight" with a bluesy band, unknown to Alec. She returns to the salon, where she learns from Maxine that her Number One Fan from the club gig the other night has been there looking for her. Fiona is pleased and intrigued to hear this, but also very excited about singing with the band. She is particularly impressed at the fact that they play real instruments!

Fred has been officially invited to the stables to visit Betty's Hotshot, so he in turn invites Rita to join him, which she accepts. He tells her it will be an opportunity to "rub shoulders with the nobs." What girl could possibly refuse? Jack is miffed because he received no official invitation, so he and Gary plan to go under their own steam, so to speak.
That's about it.
Good night, and I love you all.

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