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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Nov 26 1996

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Written by Nigel Worsfold as Glenda was away

Having disappeared in the night while he was staying at Anne and Andy's house, Curly is next seen at home, where Judy comes to call on him, thoughtfully bringing a pint of milk with her. He asks her to let his bad news percolate around the community, to prevent him having to tell everyone in turn. Eventually, having tried and failed to tell Vera and Betty, Judy announces it to everyone present in the pub. Jack goes on an errand of mercy to visit Curly when the secret is out, but he doesn't disturb him, as he's on the phone to his mum, telling her about the split.

There is a lump in the nation's throat as we see Curly remove Raquel's outgoing message from the answerphone, replacing it with a new message, dripping with pathos. Then comes the most touching moment so far as he inhales her perfume from the dressing gown she left hanging on the bedroom door. Then he weeps into it on the pillow. Shares in Kleenex rocketed on reports of increased sales. The next day in the pub he looks far more normal, as everyone tries to cheer him up. Later Maureen calls round to offer comfort. They share some wine until Bill comes to collect her, leaving him alone once more.

Jack is very miffed about not receiving the same official invitation to the stables that Fred had. With Don, young Jamie and Gary, they go there under their own steam, in Don's taxi. Fred invites Rita to the stables jaunt, and she accepts. Little does she know at this stage, but it's Fred's intention to bring about a stable relationship! Fred is disgusted to see the 'lads' arrive in the taxi, and Jack is immediately attracted by something he sees. Another owner is having his picture taken, seated on his horse. Jack says this will make a nice Christmas card, so they dress him up in all the right riding gear, including ill- fitting X-certificate jodhpurs! Rita says he looks a pillock. Jamie loudly pops a crisp bag, which spooks the horse, and it bolts with Jack still on board. It's very plain to see that Jack is, in fact, probably safely in the cast's mobile location canteen by this time, and a stunt double is taking his place. I tried to think of the last time a stunt double might have been used in the Street, but it will take a better fan than me to say! Any ideas? Anyway, very soon it's four faults, and like something off The Rolling Stones Greatest Hits....yes...Jumping Jack Crash! He lands in an ungainly heap, whereupon he is transported to hospital.

It's discovered he has broken several bones and slipped a disc. He's not badly hurt; well enough to tell Vera to 'Bog off!' as she sits reading a magazine at his bedside. He's pleased to learn that his beloved pigeons are in the safe hands of Jamie.

While he's walking her home, Fred proposes marriage to Rita. He tells her not to reply immediately. She looks at him all dewey-eyed. Later Mavis ridicules the whole notion, but Rita tells her she intends to accept. Derek advises Fred not to rush Rita in any way; not to pressure her. Fred is very happy to accept Derek's counsel, and thanks him warmly for the advice. Derek hopes this will smooth his path into the Square Dealers if Fred owes him a favour. Fred goes to the shop to tell Rita to think a while longer about the offer. She ponders on.

In the Hourglass, Fiona warbles anew, having walked out on the gig she was meant to do earlier the same evening because the London agent, whom Alec had promised, was no-where to be seen. Alec is very angry at this, and gives her a right lecture! Liz is serving continuous drinks to a mystery man who is quite clearly very interested in her. As he leaves, he tucks an envelope, bearing her name, behind the bar where she will find it. She later opens it, to find a thousand pounds inside, and a note saying it's from a friend of her son. She later asks Andy, and so manages to narrow it down somewhat to Steve, he of the cartoon eyes and the red vest. Previously, Liz visits the rotten little recidivist in the slammer, and tells him about her developing liaison with Sean. Steve is not best pleased. One of Steve's chokey chums mistakes Liz as being Steve's sister. Perhaps this is because she looks so slim, young and generally super, and has groomed herself to within an inch of her life!

But the main storyline to launch the legendary Fourth Episode is the developing closeness of Ken and one of his ex-wives.

Deidre calls on him to show him the wedding pictures. A bottle of wine is opened. She offers him an enlargement. (Being a clean-living, decent sort of chap, I shall resist any obvious SMUT at this stage, but let it be known.....I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE ALL THINKING!!) They chit chat about their woeful stab at the old matrimonial lark, and it all gets rather contemplative and wistful. Deidre leaves all of a sudden because she feels it's all getting a bit too comfortable, whatever that means.
The next evening, Ken calls on her, and she invites him in. Before you can say 'neck' one thing has led to another, and she's leading him by the hand to the bedroom. We are then treated to a monumental display of unbridled LUST. I covered up the parrot's cage. He can only stand so much. The two of them are horizontal, he's on top of her. God help him. God help HER!! His tongue has taken on a life of its own, and is probing wildly around her molars. Has Ken discovered another of those erroneous zones?? He's a boy, that old Ken. The effect on her neck could only be guessed at.
The phone rings, but they ignore it. They are swept away on an orgasmic tide of midlife whats-name! The caller, trying desperately to get through, is Kelly, because Denise and her paramour Brian have arrived to take Daniel away to a new life with his 'doting' mother. Denise looks determined to snatch the boy away, having shaken off all traces of inappropriate nicknames! When Ken and Deidre's ardour has finally cooled, he comes to the phone where Kelly tells him what's happening. They race back to Ken's, where he eventually allows her to take Daniel, having read a solicitor's letter telling him she has the law firmly on her side. Ken surely knew all along that he had no legal rights to the child of his mistress. Later he reluctantly tells Kelly her nannying services are no longer required. Ken goes to see his own solicitor, who tells him things look pretty bleak, but the case is 'pleadable'.
There were some very strong acting performances over these four episodes, but my personal Oscar goes to Kelly, as she demonstrated her distress at Daniel being taken.

That's all for tonight. I'm off to Bangalore, where I believe Raquel is appearing in Miss World. I intend to cover myself in Cadbury's chocolate as a protest.

Good night, and I love you all.

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