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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Oct 8 1996

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Elvis lives! Yes he's alive and kicking, living in Coronation Street and married to Audrey Roberts. At least, I think it was Elvis in the Rovers all dressed up like a dog's dinner, with a quiff, drain pipe trousers, waistcoat and one of those little string tie things that teddy boys used to wear. Alf knew Audrey had been making plans to celebrate his 70th birthday in style and assumed they were going to see the musical "`Grease' and so he proved he wasn't the oldest swinger in town (yet) by dressing up in 50's clothes for his birthday treat at the theatre.

Unfortunately, the birthday surprise wasn't a trip to the theatre, but a party in the Rovers where Audrey presented Alf with another birthday gift of a trip to a health farm. Gail and Martin saw through this ploy of Audrey's immediately, and Alf almost had another heart attack when he saw how much he would have to fork out to pay for his own birthday treat.

Best line of the week went to Roy Cropper (as usual) who gave Alf his birthday greetings "70 eh? So you're really living on borrowed time now, aren't you?".

The path of true love never runs smoothly for Maureen who changes her mind about things as often as she changes her hairdo. Jim tells Maureen that she has really put a smile on Bill's face, so she has, and admits to Maureen that he too would use a dating agency if his love life was in such a mess as hers. Maureen is incensed that Bill told Jim this about her and decides she can't trust anyone but herself any longer and refuses to speak to Bill.

The police visit Trisha and ask if she wants to press charges against Carl for assault. With so many witnesses who saw him punch her, it would be impossible not to get a conviction against him which would mean he'd spend more time in prison and his release date would be put back. But, Trisha is afraid of Carl's anger and thinks this would make life more difficult for her when he eventually does get out of prison. Jamie wants to meet his dad and Can't understand why Trisha won't tell him the truth about who hit her in the face. When she does eventually tell him, he runs off down the back lane and then later runs away from school (where Ken gives him a stern talking to). Trisha finally agrees to let Jamie visit Carl in prison, hoping that Jamie will find out what a brute his father really is.
Maxine tells Fiona she should decorate the hair salon (and about time too!) to make it more of Fiona's own place instead of using the decor which Denise had originally chosen. Despite words of wisdom from Rita and promises of more bookings from Alec, Fiona is still undecided over her singing career.
Remember that horse which the fellas bought? It's been so long ago since it was mentioned.... Anyway, Jack writes out a cheque to cover his share of the monthly expenses but instead of paying his own share of £80, he pays £160 (as Vera finds out when she steams open the envelope). Vera demands to know why he's paying double, and Jack admits he's covering Don Brennan's share of the horse too as Don is having money problems. In the Rovers, Don mentions he's looking for a lodger to help cover costs there. Perhaps the horse should move in with him?

Raquel is not amused by Curly and his Square Dealing. I think the Square Dealers storyline started out well, quite subtle and very funny but I feel it's been done to death at the moment. However, Raquel is expressing my irritation with this storyline when she tells Curly, Fred, Norris et al that they are all behaving like little boys in a secret society. She is particularly upset that the 49 tasks which Curly has been asked to carry out could take up to 7 years to complete! Curly helps Raquel send out letters offering aromatherapy sessions; one letter is to Manchester United and Curly gets all wistful about how cute their children will look wearing a United shirt [actually no - that's the last thing he wants. He wasnt his kids to wear Manchester CITY shirts ! - Graham]. You can tell by the look on Raquel'sface that having children is the last thing on her "I've been done South and there's no stopping me now!" mind.

In that warm and loving way she has about her, Ann presents Andy with a rent book as a house-warming gift so she can make sure he pays his dues. I think he's doing that already, dear.
Ken is collared in the school corridor by the headmistress who drills him in the ways of the multimedia weekend they're both due to attend. I get the feeling that she'll have more on her mind than floppy disks.

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