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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Dec 20 1996

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Glenda was away, this week's update written by Gary Ushaw

Parallel universe number 23-23 calling. It is imperative to the continued existence of the quantum multiverse that you read about this week's events on Coronation Street in our own wibbly-wobbly version of reality. Do not adjust your set.

The scariest hair bear of them all (that's Liz MacDonald; try and keep up, new readers) seems to have finally, and quite literally, bitten off more than she can chew. After her vampire hair-do sunk its tendrils into the juicy bits of a banged-up Mr Big, he has become unfeasibly besotted with the carniverously coiffeured one. Despite some early success at controlling this zombified blood-donor, Scary Hair Bear has lost her mental link with him and she is now having to fend off his less than subtle amorous advances. Unfortunately for her, he has also figured out that if she gets too close her blood-crazed bonce will suck him dry and cast the lifeless husk of his body aside like a used Christmas tree, so he's conducting his love affair from within the two-foot-thick walls of a high security prison. Kinky.

Scary Hair Bear, who is more used to chasing after men while drooling at the mouth, is in unknown territory actually having a man chasing her, and has consulted the rest of the Hair Bear clan for advice. Big Stupid Hair Bear was no use; "I'll tell you this, and I'll tell you no more," he said, "you threw me out of the Hair Bear Bunch, and I'm not coming back just because you need someone punching. Do you think I'm stupid?". Naughty Hair Bear was no help; evidently he's starting to enjoy the "special attention" being lavished upon him by Mr Big in prison. Completely Crap Hair Bear was no use either, but then he never is, and he has enough to worry about trying to keep his neurotic girlfriend Ann Capone happy. Poor old Liz can't even turn to her latest Mr Peevely, lovely fifties throwback Sean Skinner, as Mr Big's heavies have already given him the once-over in a scene strangely reminiscent of all those bank holiday seaside clashes between slicked-back Teddy Boys and Parka-clad Mods. Mods 1 Teddy Boys 0, in case you're wondering.

Scary Hair Bear's situation was not helped by the slightly confused jibes of uber-criminal SmartAlec Gilroy-- he displayed a surprisingly inexpert knowledge of classic horror film lore by asking whether she plugs her hair into the electricity supply of an evening. Not so smart now, SmartAlec! That's Frankenstein you're thinking of; obviously a barnet of the vampiric persuasion must be buried in the soil of the Old Country on a daily basis. Ann Capone also joined in the mutton-taunting by mocking Scary Hair Bear's dress-sense; she asked her shrivelled boyfriend Completely Crap Hair Bear whether he'd be happy to see her dressed like his mum at her age. Poor old wrinkly Andy was caught between a rock and a hard place: who is he more scared of, his Mafia boss girlfriend or his vampiric progenitor? He was too crap to decide and, if he's not careful, he's going to grow up to be Ken Barlow. A fate worse than death-by-having-all-your-blood-sucked-out-by-your-own-mother's-hair? Probably.

Spurred on by all this mockery, SHB went to Drear, of all people, to borrow some clothes that don't make her look like a tart. Drear even offered to lend her the sacred Drear-glasses, but the thought of looking at the world through a pair of lenses that make Ken Barlow seem attractive was too much even for our voracious man-eater. Clad in Drear's best "Oy, keep your hands off" outfit, SHB went to see Mr Big in chokie who, careful to avoid those blood-sucking tendrils, ensured that she stayed behind a Hannibal Lecter style glass screen. Inevitably man-hungry SHB quickly fell for Mr Big's charms (i.e. he's a bloke; that seems to be about the extent of her choosiness) and it seems as though she has found her new Mr Peevely.
Renegade nun, Samantha Failsworth, continued her quest to sample life in all its debauched glory this week. However, after a few months of revelling in pub culture, fast motorbikes, lecherous bookies, and wondering whether she dare try wearing ear-rings as ridiculous as Queen Vera's, all this business of seeing how the dregs of society live seems to have gone to her once-wimpoled head. On looking over the house of idiot savant Curly Gump, she immediately assumed that he had chopped his inflatable wife into manageable chunks and buried her under the floorboards. Come on, Sister Samantha, just because crap soap operas like Eastenders are full of such nonsense doesn't mean it happens in a typical provincial town like Weatherfield, you know.

(And now, a big hand for your favourite and mine, the old nuns/drugs joke:)

Household cleaning products junkie Joyce "Deadly" Smedley floated around the ceiling oblivious as her life fell to pieces around her. Having spent all her money on Ajax (to snort), Jif Micro-Liquid (to inject) and Brillo-pads (don't ask) she was thrown out of her house for non-payment of rent by somebody called Bernard (!). She has now moved in with her loveable daughter and son-in-law. "I drink beer, me" said Judy. "I like shagging, me" said Gary. Joyce is now feeding her habit by stealing money from the Rovers till and the Sun-Liners petty cash box (Old slapper, Drear, has had a grin on her face all week, as she's never been one to complain about someone slipping their hand into her box).

...Boy pin-up Ken Barlow faced evil daytime TV presenter Denise in a secret court-room battle over custody of their love-child... Neurotic girl outsider Ann Capone is very worried about her arrangements for Christmas. She has her wrinkled boyfriend running around in circles trying to get everything just right, and has threatened to make him eat the Christmas tree in a pancake if he gets anything wrong... Comrade Sugden has invited levitating oracle Maud Grimes for Christmas dinner, presumably to consult her about the future of the workers revolution in 1997... none of the Pratt family appeared this week. It was a good week... Snobbish Des Barnes was deeply embarrassed at the unexpected appearance of his eccentric father-in-law Digger Barnes, so-called due to his fixation with organic gardening, a hobby shared with Des' down-to-earth neighbours the Wiltons. In Digger's case, however, he seems to grow all of his organic vegetables on the sides of his face... Where's Norris Cole this week? Popular opinion was that he was implicated in some rather naughty vote-rigging in the House of Commons, related to pairing off. Apparently Norris, cheeky chappie that he is, thought pairing off involved choosing a dance partner, and tangoed around the House with Edwina Currie during that all-important fish vote... Plasticene girl Kelly Moffat set off for her new stop-motion life in Edinburgh, and got a free sample of what it's like in Scotland thanks to a drunken Glaswegian at Piccadilly bus station. No regional stereotyping at work there, then...

And now, as they used to say in DC Thompson comics, a Merry Christmas to all our readers. I'm making no promises about when the updates for the next couple of weeks will appear, if at all, because over here in Parallel 23-23 we have a weird tradition at this time of year of drinking until it hurts. And then doing it all again. And again ("I like beer, me" said Gary).

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